Sunday, February 14, 2016


This blog seems to have taken on a life of itself.  I think Annie and I started this just as a way to keep people up to date. But in reality it has become very therapeutic to me.  Apparently it also has become something people check daily.  That is a testament to our families and friends.  The people in our lives care, and want to know how we are doing and how they can help.  So as we wrap up another weekend here's a post for you.

Yes the weekend.  Typically a time to relax and reflect on a week gone by and have a bit of anxiety about what lies ahead.  However, very quickly into this process weekends don't have the same meaning any more.  Remember, Blaise's treatment cycles are 2 weeks at a time.  So one week is just the halfway point.  Weekends are now like Wednesdays, Hump Day.  Wednesday is one of my favorite days.  It is during Wednesday that I can begin to think about what's ahead, what's new.  So now halfway through cycle 1 we begin to look forward.

This has been a bit of a trying weekend too.  Blaise has not been eating.  This is why we put the G Tube (button) in from the beginning.  However, we have not started using it for nutrition. Blaise is still a bit uneasy with us using it at all.  We did call the doctor Friday to see if we should be doing anything.  They comforted us and told us it is all normal.  They suggested we use the button to get some electrolytes into his system.  So we've been flushing Pedialyte a few times a day directly into his belly.  He does not mind the actual process, but he gets hung up during the connecting/disconnecting process.  This has made a huge difference, and actually has spurred a little appetite in Blaise.  So its been all positive.

Blaise felt good enough today that we ventured out into the freezing cold for breakfast,  We hit up the usual spot, JD McGillicuddy's on Brookline Blvd.  He did not eat much there, but it was a bit of typical routine.  That routine we're trying desperately to hang onto too.

As I rewind through the weekend, Saturday night saw Annie and I go out together.  We watched our #1 ranked Cat's beat St. John's at the Wells Fargo Center.  We did not watch much of the game though.  As we enjoyed our time together, and with friends.  It also wasn't the best game to watch.  But again, we had fun, and did things we typically do!

I also had the chance to go see Bruce Springsteen on Friday.  Something about the Boss in Philly that is magic.  I've been to many shows, not as many as some, and there is something about him in the City of Brotherly Love.  I sat in the stands way up in section 207 listening to the words, I heard them differently this time.  The words of the River, the struggles, the joy the success and failures hit me differently Friday night.  I am thankful Annie let me go and I am thankful for the company of friends that night.

The time together this weekend was great.  Lucy had her whole crew together.  Sunday morning brought the highlight for me.  At 6:30 we woke up to Lucy calling out for her mom, "Yoo-Hoo Annie!"

Lucy reading the church paper with Blaise's name in it!

Tomorrow marks our 1st visit to the clinic.  This is a routine visit to check labs and make sure he is on schedule.  Hopefully, we'll figure out a nutrition plan.  He looks real good, just a bit skinnier than usual.  So I am not thinking too much more will go on.  However, this would be a time where he could need a blood transfusion, or something else to keep him on schedule.  So everyone get out donate blood to ensure an adequate supply.  Like I said, its our first visit so I'll know more tomorrow.  The clinic is also a bit of uncharted water for Annie.

We're trying to talk to Blaise more about what's going on.  We're talking to him about his "tubes" and his port and the medicine.  That's why the G tube is now "the button."  Its interesting to watch him catch on.  Our Child Life Specialist gave us this stuffed animal that helps teach/show him about the different things, but he hates it.  Its really funny to watch him throw the duck to the other couch or push it on the ground.  So Chemo Duck is not doing much except providing us with comic relief when Blaise encounters it.

As this keeps going on I keep thinking about a show we use to watch as kids, Just the 10 of Us.  Honestly, I only remember 2 things about the show, the theme song and that the dad was a basketball coach.  I assume there was 10 people in the family, but I can't say for sure.  The theme song is called Doing it the Best I Can, and that's what we're doing now.  We don't have many answers, we just keep doing what we think is right and best of Blaise and Lucy.

Also, people have been asking about how to help us, and honestly we don't know specifics yet.  We are very appreciative of your offers and we know at some point we will need specific help.  That being said, my sister did set up a meal calendar.  I am not sure if it will work from the link.  You might need an access code.  If that's the case just email my sister Claire,

Thanks again, and here some more shots of the dynamic duo in action this weekend!

9:00 Sunday night... No sleep in sight!