Monday, March 7, 2016

Cycle 3

Hi Everyone,

We were back in clinic today for cycle 3-  Vincristine, Doxorubicin and Cytoxan.  Blaise tolerated this well and slept through it!  Just like our "even" cycles- we will try to do our "odd" cycles outpatient as well- so far so good.  I will say that this is allegedly the "pukier" chemo- and he does seem not himself tonight. We are holding feeds tonight and just focusing on a good nights sleep with ativan through his GTube every  6 hours. Hoping this will do the trick.  Tomorrow, he will only get doxorubicin and then we can go home!  He may need a bolus depending on how we do tonight.  To be determined...

"Off Week" Recap

 Last week was a great week- he did have 3 low grade temperatures Wednesday so we ended up going in to clinic a day early- but then we were able to stay home till today, he got a one time dose of antibiotics and a blood transfusion and that carried him well through the weekend.

Last Friday Blaise and I visited his school, St. Matt's, for circle time.  This was so fun for all the kids, teachers, and Andrew and I. I will say this was equally hard for me too. I was sad that Blaise is not in his routine, learning letters and singing songs with his classmates. Blaise was also feeling really good that day, yet it was very obvious to me how fatigued he was compared to the other kids. I guess we have gotten used to his newer, more mellow, baseline.  Regardless, it was a lovely morning.

We also went to the Flower Show this weekend, and it was probably my last Flower Show venture with a stroller on a weekend. However, we still had some good family fun!

What's Next

We have started to think about surgery and how post op will shape our future. I have confided in several people over the last week or so that I am starting to see more and more of the old Blaise these days-  He is gaining weight, playing with his sister and friends and interacting with us in a happy way. The downside to this is that I really feel like surgery will bring us way back down to that first day again. Surgery will be intense and painful, and emotionally challenging for Andrew and I. Even though we are nervous (me more than Andrew) we know that this surgical approach (vascularized fibular graft) will be the best opportunity to Blaise to eventually and effectively have Blaise return to his normal life.

Thank You
For reading this exhausted post, it's short and rather boring than the usual- but even the mighty (bloggers) fall sometimes!  I promise to bring more intrigue to the next post.  But seriously, thank you all for your generosity. We continue to be overwhelmed with everyone's kindness. Everything has made a difference in our new life, and we can't tell you enough how much we appreciate each of you.  Until next time enjoy this relaxing view!
