Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fo - Fo - Fo!

For those of you that have not heard Blaise's mid-point surgery has been postponed.  This was upsetting news at first for a few reasons, but we were assured this afternoon that is will have no impact on his overall outcome, and that is getting us through this.  He is now scheduled to go under the knife on Friday 5/27, a great start to the summer!

I am going to put this into perspective as only I can on this of all nights.  Even though it was before my prime, or even existence, I have been thinking about Moses today, Moses Malone.  Before the 76ers last championship he predicted a playoff sweep with his famous "Fo-Fo-Fo," quote.  Not only was he predicting a championship, but he was predicting no loses throughout the playoff run.  Well, Blaise was doing that.  He was sweeping chemo, and everything was pointing towards a "Fo-Fo-Fo," of his four year old life.  Well those Sixers did lose a game.  But they won the championship too!  One lose did make it any less memorable or any less of an accomplishment, especially considering the slop we watch now.  Well Blaise has had his lose, no big deal.  So like in 1983 "Fo-Fo-Fo," turned into 'Fo-Fi-Fo," we see the same thing with Blaise.  He swept the first round of chemo, took a hit with the surgery, and he'll sweep the remaining chemo,  a championship in its own right!

Image result for fo fo fo fo moses malone

How did we get here...
Annie took Blaise in on Monday for his routine lab check and he spiked a fever.  This happens.  He gets fevers during off weeks, they treat them and we move on.  No big deal.  Annie has been amazing at staying on top of these things and really it is her hard work keeping him on track.  She is Blaise's Billy Cunningham! (Side note: How many old school Sixers references can I fit into one post...)
So they were going home, when Blaise had some issues.  And when he looks back on this blog in years to come will love to read this part!  He had an accident in the pharmacy, but it was not just an accident.  I know there is some medical term Annie and the group used, but he started to have what I can only describe as convulsions.  He was shaking, crying and his feet, hands and lips turned blue.  Needless to say, since this happened good thing it was in the hospital.  Annie called me, I left work and came down to meet them.  Blaise was admitted to the floor.

Once I got there he looked OK, not great but OK.  He asked for some Cherrios and we obliged!  One bite in, boom goes the dynamite!  The same episode played out in the hospital room.  Now this is serious, WTF!  Blood was drawn, stool samples collected and test run.  As this was playing out, the team (with Annie's gentile encouragement) decided that a move to ICU would be a good move at this point because we did not know what was up.

Some quick tests showed us he had an infection, which we were treating that never got better or just came back really quickly.  But we were waiting a while for the blood tests to come back.  In the interim they hung fluids and gave him some blood.  After some tense times, and every changing blood pressures, Blaise came out on top.  He was just pretty badly dehydrated.

Annie went home because she had a rough go watching all this, as anyone would.  And Blaise and I had a sleepover on the 7th floor.  The same view, just a little higher up.  He slept great and woke up feeling like himself.  He finally crushed those Cheerios (we got him a new bowl).  And was taking all calls this morning.

Yesterday, it appeared surgery was off the table for tomorrow.  He looked pretty bad.  Today it looked like surgery was back on the table.  He looked pretty darn good.  But ultimately, it was decided not to put Blaise through the trauma of an all day surgery after the trauma of yesterday.  This was disappointing news, but upon reflection it is the right thing to do.  It means he will be off chemo for another week, but it appears that is not a HUGE deal.  Blaise's oncologist assured us of this and reminded us how small the tumor was and how great he's been doing.  So it's good, but not ideal.  These are things we have been told to expect, but have notseen.  So it happened, we regroup and move forward,  Blaise is doing great, and we have one more weekend to enjoy with him at full strength!  Any suggestions of things to do? 

A Special shout out to Mr. Kerins, Joe Kerins founder of Wiffle Fall Classic and Beer Pong Extravaganza!  He raised some money at an event for childhood cancer and shaved his head for Blaise.  We had fun morning at Lincoln Financial Field watching Joe get rid of the little hair he had left!

Another big time shout out to Uncle Bob, Bobby Davis graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Gradutae School of Education with Doctorate in Education.  That obviously big news, but in bigger news it is first degree not from The University of Scranton.  So great job on finally branching out Bob and trying new things!  Send him a congratulatory follow @RWDavisJR

The party gave Uncle Don a chance to catch up with buddies.  Annie thinks this picture looks like a scene out of the Godfather...

In the last post, I forgot to mention a great visit Blaise had from some really cool college kids in April.  Aunt Claire (not Grammy, but Claire Davis) set up superhero visit through a local Love Your Melon chapter.  These college kids came down from Buck's County dressed as superheros and visited Blaise and Lucy.  Blaise also dressed as a superhero to welcome them in!  These were really special young people, doing something really special on their own time.  Thank you a ton!

Since Blaise already had his own superhero outfit, he wanted to give one to Mr. Moore as a thank you for the awesome basement!

Other News
1 - 1 new team member signed up, Thanks Bridy!  Think about riding along with us from the Ben Franklin Bridge to AC in June 12, Team Beat it Blaise.

2 - Official Save the Date for out NJ readers especially.  A good friend has set up a great event for us at The Taproom n Haddonfield NJ.  This is a top notch establishment that will be contributing a percentage of the checks to Blaise to help out.  The event June 23, 2016 from 4-9.  If you're in the area please come by, I know Blaise will be making an appearance, and you can probably sign his cast then too!

3 - T-Shirt should be starting soon too.  I am finalizing details as we speak!