Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Calm Before The Storm

May 26
Honestly, I do not have much to say tonight.  We're just gearing up for Blaise surgery tomorrow.  I wanted to find a way to update everyone on the fly as we go through the day, and I think I found the best way.  Along the right hand side of the blog you should see my Twitter feed.  As I tweet, it will show up there, just not on the mobile version.  If you're on your phone and cannot see the Tweets on the right, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Full Web Version.". Please come back to the blog as Friday passes, you should see updates there on the right side!  If not, text or call me!  Annie might not want to talk, but I am sure I could use the distraction!
Blaise is in good hands, and has great people holding him in the light!  He will pull through this surgery fine, but pray for Annie and I.

I was reminded the other day by my Godmother, Aunt Theresa, that Blaise was baptized on May 27.  And you can all see that in the sunglasses pictured above.  That's his official Baptismal Certificate issues by Pope Benedict XVI.  I guess there is some special meaning to this date.  And if this is one way God is telling me he is going to be OK, then I am all in.  At the very least it is kind of cool.  So the 50 or so people that gathered in St. Agnes chapel in Cape May Point 4 years ago, or partied in Sea Isle with us afterwards, wear your sunglasses proudly tomorrow and think of Blaise.  And of course, enjoy a drink at the Carousal for us all, it is one of Blaise's favorite spots!

While we will certainly miss the shore this weekend, there will be time for that in the future.  Annie and I took the kids down last weekend, because who likes crowds anyway!  We had some tough weather, but had fun and enjoyed the rides and OC Boardwalk.  It's funny because Blaise hates the rides and the beach, while Lucy loves every minute of it.  They could not be more opposite, but more caring for each other.  As Lucy and I rode the Merry-Go-Round, she was on the lookout for Blaise and mom watching.  She's always wants him to join in, and he always wants her to be save!  He did not want Lucy to go near the water.  The are very complimentary of each other.

So follow along, keep us in your prayers and enjoy your holiday weekend!  I will leave you with the words of the Boss.

Hard times, baby well they come to us all
Sure as the tickin' of the clock on the wall
Sure as the turnin' of the night into day
Your smile...
Lifts away the blues when I rise...

I'm waitin', waitin' on a sunny day
Gonna chase the clouds away
Waitin' on a sunny day

As I sat in the Wells Fargo Center right after Blaise was diagnosed, the Boss and the thousands of fans were a welcome distraction.  A good friend once spoke about the magic of Bruce show, and I believe that.  So tonight I sit here listening to "Waitin on A Sunny Day," and I am thinking about those days to come.  The Boss finds a way to do that.  Blaise is going to crush this surgery, and this stupid disease.  Annie and I, with your help, are going to get through this with Blaise.  And Lucy is always making it a sunny day.  Thanks so much for everything, and please know we are praying for all you, and wishing the best for everyone.  Tomorrow is about the rest of Blaise's life, and may it be as long as John Davis Sr.'s or Moses' whichever was longer!

Orders end next Wednesday.  If you want one, order it now!  
FYI - They do shrink in the wash!  I know that!